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Aktuelles ILCOR Statement zu Antiarrhytmika bei der Reanimation 2018


Hier können Sie sich das aktuelle ILCOR Statement anschauen:


sowie die aktuellen Behandlungsempfehlungen nachlesen:

Treatment Recommendations

We suggest the use of amiodarone or lidocaine in adults with shock refractory ventricular fibrillation/pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/pVT) (weak recommendation, low quality evidence).

We suggest against the routine use of magnesium in adults with shock refractory VF/pVT (weak recommendation, very low-quality evidence).

For the use of bretylium, nifekalant or sotalol in adults with shock refractory VF/pVT the confidence in effect estimates is currently too low to support an ALS Task Force recommendation.

For the use of prophylactic antiarrhythmic drugs immediately after ROSC in adults with VF/pVT cardiac arrest the confidence in effect estimates is currently too low to support an ALS Task Force recommendation.